B“H The following story I heard from Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson who heard it firsthand twenty years ago from a Jewish Community leader in Detroit Michigan who had welcomed him into his home as a house guest. The host told him that through his business dealings in England he had formed very close relationships with…
Looking Beyond the Words
B”H This week marked the 77th Yahrzeit of Rabbi Shlomo Goldman otherwise known as the Holy Reb Shlumka from the town of Zviel now known as Novograd-Volyns’kyi in Ukraine.’ Rabbi Shlumka, in addition to being a great scholar, was also known for his extremely pious, generous, and humble behavior. He always left the door to…
Living With a Gratitude Attitude
It was a week before our annual Pesach Seder for widows and orphans. The hotel was demanding full payment within the next forty-eight hours. The account balance showed that we only had a quarter of the necessary funds. To say it was a tense time was an understatement. We had anticipated that fundraising would…
Perusing Greatness
A famous story is told about a hungry Jewish beggar that knocks on the door of Shloima the miser to ask for something to eat. Shloime tells the beggar to wait and he will check to see what he has. After looking through his refrigerator in hopes of helping this unfortunate soul, hidden way in…
What is Chometz?
B”H There seems to be major confusion online when the thrilling and exhilarating movie trailers totally mislead the viewing public. When they actually see those movies after previewing the trailers such as Superman Returns or The Beaver with Mel Gibson, they feel totally deceived, duped, and angry, since the movies are terrible. When this happens…
Coping With Our Limitations
B”H Soon it will be that time of the year when many of us will be taking some time off by going on a spring break. It’s the perfect time to put away the winter clothes, boots, umbrellas and get ready to welcome the blooming flowers. One of my favorite things to do…
The Importance of Having Skin in the Game.
B”H It was June 1950 and in a jam-packed synagogue in Israel on a Shabbos morning, there was going to be a special event, unlike any other event this community had ever experienced. A sweet young orphaned boy named Yisrael, who had survived the holocaust, was celebrating his Bar Mitzvah today. He had…
Rubbing Elbows with Hierarchy
B”H England’s former Prime Minister Tony Blair, Prince Charles, and Rabbi Jonathan Sacks were flying back to England together from Israel, after attending Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin’s funeral. It was after all incumbent upon them to show their honor and respect for the elder statesman after his tragic death. Rabbi Sacks recounted that…
Success Comes Through Combining Experience with Passion!
B”H The big news was splashed all over the small city of Larnaca Cyprus. After months of speculation, the world-famous Radisson Hotel chain had decided to add a new Radisson Blu to their international collection. Everyone in the city was excited because such a big project meant many opportunities for the local business owners. One…
Using Shock Treatment To Rebuild Better
B”H Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Kun-hee, who passed away in 2020, pioneered the launching of its first handset in 1988, the first South Korean company to do so. At the time, the handset market was dominated by Motorola. Lee, who became a global innovator, making Sony Electronics, the largest Conglomerate, had accurately predicted that…