Every failure you have had in your life brought you closer to your inner core. So if you are like me and have failed miserably over and over in life I have some good news for you. You are probably knocking on the door to your inner core. The purpose of failure in our life is to break the outer shells of our ego and allow the light of our inner core to shine outward. It is completely natural to experience feelings of sadness after not achieving your goals.
We are taught by our great scholars, that what needs to be done is to merely evaluate what went wrong and see what needs to be improved for the future.
I once asked my public speaking teacher, bombing on stage is one of my greatest fears in life. Did you ever bomb on stage and if so how did he cope with it? He told me that of course, he did many times but never for the same reason twice.
It is your responsibility to analyze what went wrong and do whatever you can that you never repeat the same mistake.
Our sages have thought us that one should not allow a depressive state to take over us after experiencing a setback. This is your ego bathing in sadness while it tries to cope with feelings of pain and insecurity.
In actuality, while your ego is cracked open you have the unique opportunity to ask yourself what do you really want to accomplish in life.
What do you think is the purpose the Divine created you. What do you really want to accomplish in life!
If you were lucky enough to fail in such a way that the entire world knows you failed you have won the jackpot! Do your best to strengthen yourself to distance yourself from toxic people in your life. People will always talk and if we allow their opinions to get in the way of our dreams we will have absolutely no future. Instead, choose only positive thinking people who will support you during your point of weakness.

I will now share with you the process of reaching your inner core.
Go to a quiet place that you can meditate around mother nature. Make sure you leave your cellphone at home and completely disconnect from the world. Sit down in a comfortable place but not too comfortable so that you don’t fall asleep.
Take 5 second deep breaths in hold for 5 seconds and release deeply out for 5 seconds. Repeat this process for about two to three minutes until you are completely comfortable. Now I want you to go to a time in life that you had great success. Think about all the details of that day.
What you were wearing, who was around you bring that success as clear as day in front of you. You should start feeling those feelings that you experienced that day. Keep drawing that success down until it is fully animated. Can you see it? Great that success came from your inner core.
Imagine your future a few years down the road where you are doing what you love to do and get paid well doing it. Don’t get caught up in practical questions just imagine doing what you love to do and someone handing you money and saying thank you. Now add more details like the room that you are in. Are you in an office, kitchen, garden, etc? Great is there a friend or family member assisting you? Is it located in an area that you are now or somewhere else?
Bring the idea down one more level and try to feel the feelings of appreciation and happiness that you bring to others with your product or service?
Think about details like the fragrance in the air and the pictures on the wall that you are working in. Who are you speaking with on the phone and what are you discussing?
When you have completed this picture with as many details as possible you will define clearly what you want. This process will help you eliminate other possibilities that other people might suggest. Once you know what your inner core wants, subconsciously you will start attracting that future scene closer to reality.
You can set tasks and goals to slowly but surely reach your future destination.
The future that you shine in because your inner core chose it.
Fears will arise suddenly while you travel down the road to developing your inner core. Do not allow those fears to frighten you. They are only there to test your strength. Your inner core knows the truth make sure to allow your inner core to combat those fears with its stronger desire for a positive impactful future.
You will constantly ask yourself during every decision that you make, will this decision bring me closer to my core desire or further away? Each positive impact decision will bring your core desire closer to fruition.
No matter what challenges or setbacks you might have you can go to your infinite inner core and it will provide for you the strength you need to overcome the challenge.
The authentic story of why and how you got to your newfound profession will be the marketing story that will provide the authenticity for the product or service you are selling.
This authentic message will resonate with clients and investors if needed since it comes from the infinite part of you. It comes from the place that knows no way back just full throttle forward.
So take time to thank the Divine for that failure in your hand now and thank him.
Tell him that you appreciate the double amount of gifts. Just like pearls are hidden in shells, success is hidden in the pain of failure.
The road to discovering your inner core starts off like a baron desert. The secret vision of the future dangles in front of only you. It will eventually grow into a city where more and more people are involved in its development.
Finally, it will reach its final destination of the ocean where it has no limits it is infinite just like your inner core.