The most unique person is YOU! I found you and I am so happy to finally meet you! Firstly I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being you! I know with everything you have gone through in life it was quite hard to be you.
Not only do I very much appreciate it, your friends and relatives really love you for being you! Now you might be saying to yourself, this guy is nuts he doesn’t even know my name or anything about me yet he is claiming that I am the most unique person in the world! So please allow me to prove it to you.
I would like you to close your eyes for a moment and think about someone that you recently helped. It could be anyone, a child of yours, a sibling, or one of your parents, neighbor, coworker, or friend.
Great you found a few events but we just need one so pick one, please. Wonderful you are doing a great job. Now the same way a handwriting signature is unique, every act of kindness is completely unique.
So your act of kindness in your specific unique way of doing it at the exact time and place is forever unique to you. As a matter of fact, everything that has happened in your life since you were born was in order that you do that act of kindness in the specific way that you did it.
Created with your unique personal kindness signature.
I can prove to you these facts very easily.
When you have a problem that you can’t solve, your mind searches its database of people who can help you with your problem, Mom, Dad, best friend, coworker, etc… until you find the trusted person that can help you. Then you contact him/her and get the help that you need. That is what most likely happened to you. Someone needed specific help and searched his/her mental database until that person found you!
Sometimes your uniqueness expresses itself in an indirect fashion. There is a situation that needs your specific help. Divine providence then arranges things that you will be exactly in the right place at the right time to help out in this situation.
For instance, one time my wife and I were driving in a new building development area in Israel. The area was deserted and the roads were newly paved, however, filled with uncovered potholes. I drove over a pothole and blew out my back left tire. G-d had mercy on us and my two left hands. A father and son with great hands came running across the street to help change the tire. There were no other humans in the entire area besides for them. Divine Providence arranged for them to be there to help me. I never witnessed a tire change so quickly and professionally done in my life.
This father and son Love doing kindness for people. They had just looked at a possible small real estate investment opportunity when they witnessed my car driving over the hidden pothole. Divine providence connected one of their unique talents with my unfortunate situation.
You see my friend, the only one that has trouble viewing your uniqueness is yourself. All of your acquaintances know exactly what makes you unique and their minds are programmed to deliver your name when they need that special something from you!
Let me share with you a story that perhaps can animate this concept a bit better for you.
Jack and his family came over recently during the holidays. Jack was complaining to me that he is completely unclear about the future. He is completely not clear about where to invest his attention for study and growth.
Jack suddenly gets a phone call from a friend who needs advice. It seems that Jacks’s friend David and his newly married wife Rachel could not decide which apartment to purchase. Months of searching boiled down to two very different apartments each had its unique advantages and disadvantages. They were calling Jack since the realtors were pressuring them for an answer and they needed to make a decision.
Jack asked David and Rachel a few questions and deliberated the pros and cons of each apartment. He then discussed the specific needs of the couple with some forward-thinking of a growing family. Twenty minutes later it was clear to everyone which apartment was the better fit for them.
David told Rachel ” I told you that Jack would be able to help us” Rachel and David thanked Jack for his time and his help and hung up the phone.
When we look a bit deeper into this story we can view it as follows. David and Rachel had a problem that they could not fix on their own. They searched their mental database for a kind-hearted. unbiased, nonjudgmental, analytical thinker with an understanding of finance and real estate. Their combined mental database came up with my friend Jack.
Jack did not think that any of these qualities were unique because for him these things just come to him naturally. He was shocked to understand that the combination of these talents, skills, and character traits is what defines his unique contribution to the world.
Once this became known to Jack he can ow further develop these traits and turn good into great!
So today’s tip for personal revelation is as follows.
Step one.
When you are asked to help with something specifically related to your talents. Ask them what made you think of me? Make sure to keep a 60-day diary.
Step two.
At the end of the 60 days take a highlighter and mark the skill or talent keywords repeated the most.
Step three.

Write out the following sentence I am unique in this world because I am a (fill in the highlighted words from the diary) and the Devine needs me to develop these talents and use these unique talents as much as humanly possible. For if I do not, who will do what I am supposed to do!
I hope you found this article helpful for your personal development. If you would like to schedule a free coaching session to learn more about your unique greatness feel free to email me at [email protected].
Yitzchok Friedman